Exhibition of dövstumflickornas possessions.

The siblings Elsa and Ester Nyman, who lived on Hedorna, were both blind and deaf from birth. Despite this they could live at hime and did all daily chores themselves. They liked to do crafts and tend the garden. The locals called them "dövstumflickorna" ("the deaf-mute-girls").

According to Elsa and Ester Nymans will, a sum of money have been put aside to set up a foundation, which aim is to support and contribute to aiding deaf-mute and developmentally disable people in Maxmo municipality. The foundation was created in 1997 and is called Stiftelsen Elsa och Ester Nymans minne.

Tor Ahlstrand produced a documentary about the sisters, which was aired on YleTV.